count down to christmas

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hi everyone....

I forgot to tell ya that mom, dear hubby and I went to Greenbo Lake State Park a couple of weeks ago to a Quilt Show. It was very nice. Lots of beautiful quilts. We talked with some very nice ladies and there were a few vendors.  Over all a great time. Greenbo is a very pretty park. This Church is located near the entrance of the park. Can't you just imagine that at one time it was probably a church/school. I can just imagine families pulling up, in a  horse and buggy dressed in their Sunday best (same out fit every Sunday) attending church. On weekdays all the children running out in the yard at recess or walking into the building carrying their tablet.  Oh how I wish I was a painter and could paint that picture that I am imagining in my mind.  Everytime my hubby and I drive by an old run down house that is really old and in very bad disrepair I always tell him that I  can just see little children running around outside, playing with sticks, or carrying in wood for the ole woodstove or fireplace.  Yes I love the ole days. Even though times were hard I think people were happier in their hearts, and family value was more dear.  So sit back take some time and reflect on your childhood and have yourself a smile or two.

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