Hi everyone hope you are having a great summer. My family and I seem to be rather busy just doing this and that and nothing important either.
I have recently attended a Mon-Thurs. quilt retreat at Blue Licks State Park. Retreat was small in number. Some had previous engagements, but those of us that showed up had a blast. We all seem to accomplish lots and that was great. Sorry I have no pics because silly me forgot the camera. Actually I forgot to buy some new rechargeable batteries. :( I promise to do better.....LOL
I worked on a dresden plate quilt and a quilt by Elenor Burns. A couple of other ladies at the retreat are wanting to make dresden plates also. Dresden plate bug has bit ... :) Thats what happens ya know, one quilter makes one and then others want to make one too. I am that way. So many colorways to make quilts I can never get all that I want to make done in my lifetime.
Some one brings a new quilt to quilt group and I imediately want to put that on my list to do. Especially if it is a scrappy one. Thats ok though, seeing those ideas keep us motivated. I just love quilts.
Hope everyone is having a quilty July....